Stunning Photos of Camouflaged Owls Can You Spot Them?
Owls are fierce predators, but even they have to sleep from time to time. When they do, they are exposed to bigger predators as well as 'mobbing' by smaller prey animals. Mobbing means smaller animals band together to fight off the owl's feared attacks.Certain types of birds, when identifying an owl on their turf, might band together to harass and fight the owl and chase it off. Also, owls rely on stealth and surprise when hunting, and so a good camouflage can be the difference between dinner and going to sleep on an empty stomach.
यहाँ कुछ तस्वीरें हैं, लक्ष्मी वाहन उल्लू की...
प्रकृति के अनुसार अपने रंगों में परिवर्तन करता है
चलिये ! इन तस्वीरों में उल्लू को पहचानिये ...

हम याहू ग्रुप फारवर्ड फॉर ऑल के आभारी हैं
Good puzzle. Dus uloo toh dikhte hy. shesh uloo mere se smart hy, bhanak nhi lagne di itna time se dhoond rha hu .Mahadevi ji ki bhi kripa hy un pe.
ReplyDeleteare waaaah dilchsp
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Wow such great and effective guide
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this.
Thenku AgainWow such great and effective guide
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thenku Again